We just announced the SKR0600 with higher SNR for more flexible integration!

Application Notes

Application Notes

Example Doc

AN-Example Integration Guide for Directional MEMS Microphones This document will introduce the key integration considerations of Soundskrit’s directional MEMS microphones and help build intuition around how to use these microphones in products. AN-300 (En) AN-300 (Fr)


AN-240 Creating a High SNR Beamformer This document describes how to combine an omnidirectional and dipole microphone to create beamformers such as a hypercardioid with > 70 dB SNR.


AN-520 2-Wire Configuration to use MEMS with ECM Circuits This document describes a circuit which allows MEMS microphones to be used with electronics, such as headphone ports, designed for ECM microphones. AN-520


AN-230 Measuring the SNR of Directional Microphones AN-230 walks through a method of accurately measuring the full band SNR of a directional microphone with a non-flat frequency response. AN-230


AN-311 Constructing a Hardware Cardioid The polar pattern of Soundskrit microphones can be adjusted by using acoustic meshes. This app note describes how to alter the beam pattern to be a cardioid. View Download


AN-300 Integration Guide for Directional MEMS Microphones This document will introduce the key integration considerations of Soundskrit’s directional MEMS microphones and help build intuition around how to use these microphones in products. AN-300