Give your products superpowers
Soundskrit enables a breadth of new user experiences across consumer electronics of all form factors. At the crux of tall theses expiriences is the ability to capture sounds you want to hear and ignore those you don't. See how Soundskrit's directional microphone technology is changing electronics.
Professional, distraction-free sound
Whether you are working from home or in a busy office, Soundskrit has your back. Sound professional and remove unwanted disruptions to have more productive calls.

Privacy Mode
Remove noise from those around you to ensure calls are productive and distraction- free. Both dynamic noises such as dogs, children, and housemates alongside static noise from devices such as an air-conditioner are removed without impacting vocal quality.
Collaboration Mode
Sound clear and present with hardware de-reverberation. Directional microphones remove the echo of your voice in the room so you can be heard clearly even when you are far from the computer.
True Stereo Recording
Create immersive stereo content directly from your webcam. Soundskrit microphones can record stereo audio using the same techniques found in pro-audio. Creators can produce high-quality content without
needing to purchase extra equipment.
Conferencing Mode
Place a webcam at the front of the room for an easy conferencing camera. A.l. ensures
voices are clear and consistent volume from all points in the room. Utilize directional
audio information to improve automatic camera framing.

Augemented and Virtual Reality
Deepen connections —
Across the table or across the world
Virtual and augmented reality headsets are enhancing the way we interact with each other. Soundskrit microphones enable clear, high-quality voice pickup, advanced hearing assistance, and real time translation to ensure everyone can connect with others around the world.
Instant Translation
With a directional microphone, augmented reality headsets can accurately translate whomever the user is talking to. It is challenging for software alone to differentiate between speakers, Soundskrit microphones help block out the user so that only the desired voice is translated.
Clear Voice Quality
Virtual and augmented reality headsets can be used for social gaming, personal calls, or even business meetings. Soundskrit microphones ensure the user always comes through clearly whether on a crowded street or while laying games at home.
Discreet Hearing Assitance
Augmented reality glass provide the opportunity to enhance hearing without
needing something in the ear. Soundskrit microphones life the vocals of someone in
front of the user to make conversation easier in a crowded bar or for those with early hearing loss.
immersive Spatial Audio
MEMS-scaIe directional microphones enable headsets to record immersive experiences not possible with omnidirectional microphones. Sleek glasses can capture POV videos with binaural audio to bring viewers closer to the actual experience. Soundskrit empowers creators to record spatial audio without costly professional microphones
Laptops and Tablets
Productivity everywhere
Sound excellent in every call directly from your laptop. Laptops with Soundskrit microphones create a quiet bubble isolating the user from their surrounds or can replace a conference phone to record an entire room with ease. Ditch the need for dedicated audio peripherals and have worry free audio-quality everywhere you go.

Privacy Mode
Remove noise from those around you to ensure calls are productive and distraction- free. Both dynamic noises such as dogs, children, and housemates alongside static noise from devices such as an air-conditioner are removed without impacting vocal quality.
Collaboration Mode
Sound clear and present with hardware de-reverberation. Directional microphones remove the echo of your voice in the room so you can be heard clearly even when you are far from the computer.
True Stereo Recording
Create immersive stereo content directly from your laptop or tablet. Soundskrit microphones can record stereo audio using the same techniques found in pro-audio. Creators can produce high-quality content without needing to purchase extra equipment.
Conferencing Mode
Laptops using Soundskrit microphones function as a powerful conference device. Advanced beamsteering allows multiple users to sound clear and consistent all-around a room, near and far from the device.

Stop shouting over the road
Engine, road, and wind noise make cars an incredibly challenging environment for phone calls and voice assitants. Soundskrit microphones reduce this background noise from the hardware. The drivers voice is more clear on phone calls and voice assitants are more responsive reducing the distraction of having to shout to be heard.
Responsive Voice Assistants
Our directional microphones inherently reject the rumble of the road and traffic so voice assistants hear you correctly the first time. Voice assitants with directional information identify who is speaking so that back seat passengers can be ignored or commands can control settings for specific users.
Fewer microphones
Fewer microphones are needed for high voice quality. Fewer microphones reduces the necessary wiring, implifies headliner designs and reduce the need for unsightly brackets.
In-cabin communication
In-cabin communication amplifies rear passengers voices in the front seats and vice-versa so conversations are easier. This requires isolating voices from feedback and low latency to sound natural. Soundskrit microphones reduce the processing required so the delay from voice to speaker is as short as possible.
Clear voice calls
Car cabins are some of the most difficult places for speakerphones to sound clear. Soundskrit microphones reduce the ambient diffuse noise by 4.8 dB so that the driver's voice is more easily heard so that phone calls are less stressful and distracting while driving.
Wireless Audio
Sound present, even from across the world
Soundskrit microphones have highly directional beampatterns with only one microphone. This reduces the space and power required for great voice pickup without impacting existing noise cancellation and hear-through systems.

Background noise rejection
Remove both static noise, such as the road noise in a car or a public transit, as well as dynamic noise such as traffic or others around you. Directional microphones ensure you can be heard no matter where you are.
Improved battery life
Traditional TWS beamformers require multiple microphones and processing to accurately capture a user's voice. Soundskrit only require one. Save space and cut microphone power consumption in half. Lightweight processing further reduces system power.
Selective hear-through
Target specific voices around the user in hear-through modes. Add additional hear-through features using our advanced, steerable beamforming only enhance who the user is talking to while ignoring environmental noise.
Directional wake words
With directional microphones, wake words will only be registered if they come from the user. Reduce accidental wakes and while saving power with accurate wake word detection from a single microphone.

Everyone deserves to be heard
In large conference rooms, Soundskrit's conferencing mode steers a targeted beam to each participant so everyone's voice comes through clearly and evenly no matter how near or far from the device.
360° Beamsteering
Steer a beam toward the speaker in a conference room to isolate them from background noise and ensure they come through clearly to those joining remotely.
Ai Conferencing Mode
Machine learning algorithms have information about where voices are coming from so that participant voices can be isolated further than beamsteering alone.
Reduced System size
Fewer directional microphones are required for the same performance as large omnidirectional based arrays. Smaller conferencing phones can replace existing large designs and microphones can better be hidden in custom installs.
Powerfull Portable Devices
Portable conference phones lack the performance of dedicated systems as omnidirectional based systems require large spacing. Soundskrit microphone arrays are co-located for high end performance in very small devices.