Come check out our latest set of directional microphone modules to help accelerate your new product development!

Anton Günther

Anton Günther

Anton Günther

Audio DSP System Overview

Audio DSP System Overview By Brad Diamond 2024-06-05 Digital Audio Processing Understanding the digital audio path and the concept of audio callbacks in digital signal processors (DSPs) forms the backbone of real-time digital audio processing. While non-exhaustive, in this article,…

Example Doc

AN-Example Integration Guide for Directional MEMS Microphones This document will introduce the key integration considerations of Soundskrit’s directional MEMS microphones and help build intuition around how to use these microphones in products. AN-300 (En) AN-300 (Fr)


AN-240 Creating a High SNR Beamformer This document describes how to combine an omnidirectional and dipole microphone to create beamformers such as a hypercardioid with > 70 dB SNR.